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What is Glutathione? (You should read this!)
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is naturally produced by the liver and is made up of the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is involved in many bodily processes which we will discuss shortly. Everyone’s body makes glutathione but there are some factors that contribute to deficient amounts of glutathione in one’s body which is why taking glutathione can be helpful.
What does glutathione do?
A lot! Glutathione helps to maintain health by reducing inflammation and protecting the body from oxidative damage. Oxidative stress can be caused by toxins like processed food and alcohol, lack of exercise, stress, exposure to chemicals and heavy metals and is associated with the development of many chronic disorders and cancers. Glutathione reduces this oxidative stress and chronic inflammation which can reduce the risk of developing these conditions and be a part of a health maintenance regimen if those conditions are present. It is thought that glutathione can improve insulin resistance, reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes, reduce liver damage from alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, improve psoriasis, fight against autoimmune diseases such as lupus, celiac disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, reduce Parkinson’s symptoms, reduce respiratory disease symptoms, increase mobility for people with peripheral artery disease, and reduce oxidative damage in children with autism. Glutathione has also been shown to have a skin brightening and lightening effect by reducing melanin production in the skin over time. Glutathione can be a part of an anti-aging program due to it’s effect on free radicals.
So, if glutathione is produced in the body, why would I need it as a supplement?
The glutathione that your body makes may not be sufficient for what your body needs. The more oxidative stress that a body has, the more glutathione it requires. Along with exposure to the toxins mentioned above, age and lack of sleep also decrease glutathione levels. Glutathione does come in dietary sources (spinach, avocado, asparagus, and okra are rich in glutathione) but it is poorly absorbed by the gut. Oral glutathione supplements have not been shown to make significant changes in oxidative stress. At RVA RevIVe, we are able to offer glutathione via intravenous infusion so that the body is able to use it effectively.
What can you expect when getting glutathione intravenously?
We typically recommend glutathione as an add-on to one of our infusions. The glutathione is a quick IV push that takes only 1-2 minutes after your infusion is complete. Some people feel a little tired or worn down the day after which is the detoxifying effect of the glutathione. After that, there may be a boost of energy. Some people don’t get the run-down feeling and only get the boost of energy. Some clients have said that their skin feels extra glowy for a day or two after receiving glutathione.
Call us or book online for a free consultation on how you can incorporate glutathione into your self care regimen!